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Add a movie or episode: Find a movie or an episode that you want to watch, then choose + Add. Note If you don't see the Add option, make sure you're signed in. If something has already been added to My List, you'll see an option to remove the item.

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[uk] How do I get subs to only show in foreign language bits? I'm watching Godzilla, the 1990s one with Matthew Broderick, directed by Roland Emmerich, and during the scene with Jean Reno where he turns up to inspect the elderly Japanese gentleman, he speaks French.

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lshw and lspci are both capable of showing that information. As you have found out already, you can do lshw -class network -businfo.For instance, here's my output: $ sudo lshw -c network -businfo Bus info Device Class Description ===== pci@0000:0e:00.0 wlan0 network RTL8187SE Wireless LAN Controller pci@0000:14:00.0 eth0 network RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller

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As for AES 512, maybe you're refering to a 512 bit key that gets split into two 256 bit parts for LUKS in aes-xts-plain mode? The man page of cryptsetup states: For XTS mode you can optionally set a key size of 512 bits with the -s option. Key size for XTS mode is …

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