Get Started | Public DNS | Google Developers

I am trying to perform the same benchmark for IPv6 DNS servers as the the applications listed in my post do for IPv4 DNS servers. I also do not see in the application or via google search an option to enable IPv6 benchmark with Googles namebench application. DNS Need to Know Info: Primary Address: Secondary Address: How do I install/use Quad9?, How does Quad9 ensure my privacy?, Is there a URL we can check to see if a given domain is blocked, and what a user might get if they go to a blocked site?, Is there IPv6 support for Quad9? Global DNS Propagation Checker lets you instantly perform a DNS lookup to check a domain names current IP address and DNS record information against multiple name servers located in different parts of the Global. This allows you to check the current state of DNS propagation after having made changes to your domains records. Modern DNS providers like NS1 operate IPv6 DNS servers with vastly improved performance, light-speed propagation and advanced traffic management features. Check if your provider of choice supports IPv6. NS1’s DNS platform fully supports IPv6 and provides the following advanced features: To resolve server names quickly and efficiently in different DNS zones, enable the Append these DNS suffixes (in order) option under Advanced IPv6 settings on the server using the DNS tab. Enter your own tree's namespace and then append the other trees' namespaces. The purpose of this configuration is the fast resolution of servers in other trees.

Ping IPv6 Address Online - IPv6 Ping

Global DNS Propagation Checker Global DNS Propagation Checker lets you instantly perform a DNS lookup to check a domain names current IP address and DNS record information against multiple name servers located in different parts of the Global. This allows you to check the current state of DNS propagation after having made changes to your domains records. IPv6 test - web site reachability

DNSstuff offers DNS tools, Network tools, Email tools, DNS reporting and IP information gathering. Explore monitoring products and free DNS tools at DNSstuff.

This tool lets you test the IPv6 configuration and connectivity of a web server. Get Started | Public DNS | Google Developers